Windbg is a powerful resource not only because you can see thorough run-time information even if you do not know how to manually do that but also you can learn how Windbg does that with reverse engineering it. Implementation of the !timer command is, for example, where you should examine if you want to know how to enumerate all scheduled timer callbacks.
But, what if you cannot find the command that works with internals you are interested in? In my case, I was looking for a way to list items inserted into the work queues with ExQueueWorkItem(), and documents of Windbg did not tell what command I could use.
Finding an Undocumented Command
There are many undocumented commands in Windbg. By using strings.exe against DLL files under the Windbg folder, you will get hints about them and/or where to look at. Here is a result of search for "workqueue":Debuggers\x64>strings -n 5 -s *.dll | findstr /i workqueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i RealTime WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i HyperCritical WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i SuperCritical WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i Critical WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i Delayed WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i Normal WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** NUMA Node %i Background WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** Critical WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** Delayed WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: **** HyperCritical WorkQueue
Debuggers\x64\winxp\kdexts.dll: ExWorkQueue
With firing up IDA, I easily found that there was an undocumented (*1) command named !exqueue and it was exactly what I wanted.
kd> !
exqueue [flags] - Dump the ExWorkerQueues
Fixing an Issue
The issue was that this commend did not work against Windows 8.1 and 10 targets.kd> !exqueue
GetGlobalValue: unable to get NT!KeNumberNodes type size
So, I started to debug and reverse engineer kdexts.dll a bit more, then noticed that Windbg was failing to read the nt!KeNumberNodes, which is always 1 unless you use NUMA, and a solution was just patching code to set 1 to eax.
.text:00000001801161DA lea rcx, aNtKenumbernode ; "NT!KeNumberNodes"
.text:00000001801161E1 mov eax, 1
.text:00000001801161E6 mov rbx, cs:qword_1801A8500
.text:00000001801161ED mov rcx, rbx
.text:00000001801161F0 mov rbp, rax
Here is an output:
kd> !exqueue
**** NUMA Node 0 - ( Threads: 7/4096 ) ****
-> Priority 12 - ( Concurrency: 0/2 )
ExWorkItem (ffffe00084a91160)
Routine ListWorkItems!<lambda_bae...> (fffff800746e5290)
Parameter (fffff800746e7220)
ExWorkItem (ffffe0008105ff10)
Routine dxgkrnl!DxgkpProcessTerminationListThread (...)
Parameter (ffffe0008105fbb0)
WdfWorkItem (ffffe00082b035a0)
Routine cdrom!IoctlWorkItemRoutine (fffff80072c6e900)
ExWorkItem (fffff8006b8ff0c0)
Routine nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBWorker (fffff8006ba5d008)
Parameter (0000000000000000)
-> Priority 31 - ( Concurrency: 0/2 )
-> Associated Threads
THREAD ffffe000828fe040 Cid 0004.0170 Teb: 0000000000000000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT
Re-implementing the Command
My goal was, however, not to use the command; the goal was to know how it works, so I reverse engineered !exqueue more to learn the details of the work queues and how to enumerate items in them by hand.
Analyzing Windbg commands is often a lot easier than analyzing the kernel file because it contains a lot of strings that help you know what structures are dealt with.
This time was not exception. Basically, for Windows 8 and later, the command gets a NUMA node (nt!_ENODE) structure containing a reference to the work queues with looking at nt!KeNumberNodes and nt!KeNodeBlock first. Here, I follow the same procedure as !exqueue using basic commands.
There is only one NUMA node block as I do not configure NUMA.
kd> dw nt!KeNumberNodes
fffff803`f5774008 0001
kd> dps nt!KeNodeBlock
fffff803`f576c800 fffff803`f56c3240 nt!ExNode0
fffff803`f576c808 00000000`00000000
fffff803`f576c810 00000000`00000000
Analyzing Windbg commands is often a lot easier than analyzing the kernel file because it contains a lot of strings that help you know what structures are dealt with.
![]() |
Image1: Strings in code of !enqueue |
There is only one NUMA node block as I do not configure NUMA.
kd> dw nt!KeNumberNodes
fffff803`f5774008 0001
kd> dps nt!KeNodeBlock
fffff803`f576c800 fffff803`f56c3240 nt!ExNode0
fffff803`f576c808 00000000`00000000
fffff803`f576c810 00000000`00000000
Then, the command refers to the _ENODE.ExWorkQueue.WorkPriQueue.EntryListHead field, which is an array of the prioritized work queues.
kd> dt nt!_ENODE ExWorkQueue.WorkPriQueue. fffff803`f56c3240
+0x0c0 ExWorkQueues : [8]
+0x100 ExWorkQueue :
+0x000 WorkPriQueue :
+0x000 Header : _DISPATCHER_HEADER
+0x018 EntryListHead : [32] _LIST_ENTRY [
0xfffff803`f56c3358 -
0xfffff803`f56c3358 ]
+0x218 CurrentCount : [32] 0n0
+0x298 MaximumCount : 4
+0x2a0 ThreadListHead : _LIST_ENTRY [
0xffffe000`eb78f248 -
0xffffe000`ecd89a88 ]
Each element of the EntryListHead is a list of work items (nt!_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM), and the array represents priorities of each list; in other words, there are 32 work queues and each manages items with priority 0 (the lowest) to 31 (the highest) respectively.
kd> dt nt!_ENODE -a ExWorkQueue.WorkPriQueue.EntryListHead fffff803`f56c3240
[12] _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffe000`846f62f0 - 0xffffe000`82bea2c0 ]
kd> dt nt!_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM 0xffffe000`846f62f0
+0x000 List : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffe000`8305d130 -
0xfffff800`6b8ca418 ]
+0x010 WorkerRoutine : 0xfffff800`746dd290
void ListWorkItems!<lambda_7d382b...>+0
+0x018 Parameter : 0xfffff800`746df220 Void
The !exqueue command shows the contents of the lists as well as associated worker threads referred by the ThreadListHead field.
All you can do, I can do :) I wrote a driver that dumps all items in each work queue to confirm that the above analysis was correct. Note that because this driver is just PoC, it works only on the 64 bit version of Win8.1 and Win10.
Analyzing Windbg commands often gives you good understanding of the Windows kernel with a less effort than analyzing the kernel file, and even if you do not find a helpful command at a glance, there may be an undocumented command which you can reverse engineer to unveil the Windows internals.Side Notes
- It seems that !exqueue used to be documented and then abandoned for some reasons. I found a description about it on a help file came with the Windbg version
- The ExWorkQueues field in the _ENODE also holds pointers to the WorkPriQueue structures. It is likely that the structures are allocated for each processor but only one associated with the processor 0 is really used.
- Apparently, an item does not go to the queue if any of worker threads is in a wait state (ie, waiting for an item) when the item is being queued. I guess the item is associated with a thread without being stored in the queue for performance in this case. For this reason, the command does not show the first item when multiple items are queued at once.